Working with Influencers

An influencer is someone with an online presence with the ability to sway the opinions, behaviors, and actions of your targeted audience. Below are three ways you can work with these individuals in your field:

1. Guest Posts

Contribute a guest post to an influential blogger’s blog. This not only raises your brand awareness, it stamps you as an expert complete with prime backlinks.

You will have to research to find the right person. Even when you do find someone, you may face some rejection because s/he may not accept your post or reply to your emails. If posts are accepted, check for editorial guidelines.

2. Gifting

Broaden your brand exposure by partnering with an influencer having the same vision you do about your specialty along with an audience that will connect with your brand. Then, present them with gifts of your goods and services. If they like what you give them most likely, they will share that with their audience.

3. Sponsored Posts

Pay a blogger to publish a post about your brand in their voice, let him / her know what message you would like to convey, and allow for creative freedom to write. This will provide backlinks and elevate your brand awareness.

Can An Influencer Help Your Business? | Big Rig Media

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