It’s SMS which means short messaging service, aka text messaging. We’d like to discuss trends and statistics about this relatively recent explosion onto the communication arena that could impact your business.

SMS is on the rise! Consider the following statistics collected by SiteProNews:


  • By next year, 1.7 trillion A2P (application to person) texts are expected to be sent globally.
  • 98% of text messages get read, 90% of all mobile phones are SMS ready and 80% of consumers use texting for business.
  • SMS brings with it a hefty 45% response rate compared to 6% for email.
  • Most people respond to text messages in 90 seconds.
  • Nearly 80% of businesses feel that customers prefer SMS support.
  • More than 75% of consumers would like to receive special offers via SMS.
  • Of the 24% of marketers using text messaging, more than 65% report texting as being very effective.


  • The most common use of A2P texts are businesses that send them to prevent security breaches… like authentication requests from a bank or other vendor.
  • SMS is a great way to remind people about events / appointments, promotions and special deals.
  • More than 50% of customers prefer texting for customer support.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) will enable more advanced automated texts in the future.
  • Personalized birthday messages, special promotions and offers are all great B2C uses of SMS.

Contact Big Rig Media at (866) 524-4744 or to pump up your website now and grab those holiday buyers!

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