Sticky means that not only will people browse your website, it means that a trace of them will remain when they exit! Here are a few ways to stickify your website for customers and prospects:

  • Giveaways
    A free report, video learning or product is a proven way to capture leads that you can target for future marketing campaigns. It does not have to be an expensive item but it does need to be meaningful. For example, if you have a home remodeling site, you might want to offer a free report on how to winterize a home.
  • Sign-Up Form
    To receive the giveaways, have a simple sign up form on at least the home and contact pages. You want to capture the name and email address of your visitors on the form.
  • Coupons
    We have been seeing more and more of these, especially on restaurant and construction trades websites. The customer prints the coupon and brings it into the establishment for the specified discount (just like the Yellow Pages!).
  • Newsletters
    There are several firms (Constant Contact is one) who have easy to use newsletter templates and contact management systems to keep you in front of current and potential clients. Again, any photos and content must be meaningful. You can also offer discounts or special deals in the newsletter.
  • Contact Information
    Make sure your contact information whether it’s an email, phone number, address or all three is on each page of your site in either a searchable or non-searchable place. You never know which page will spark enough interest for a prospect to make a contact.

Contact us today at 866-524-4744 or click here to discuss our Website Renewal Plan! We will make sure your website stays strong and fresh.

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