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It’s 2022 and social media is now being used by over 4 billion people, with over half of those people accessing one or more social media platform every day. With this massive volume of traffic, you may be asking yourself how you can start or step up your social media marketing efforts, so we’re going to show you how.

Why is Social Media Good for Business?

People who use social media are connecting with brands like yours all the time. Data shows that they love to seek out, discover, and interact with new brands regularly. To show how social media can be good for your business, here are a few benefits of social media marketing and the strategies that can help you achieve them:

  1. Build brand awareness by creating relatable content that increases engagement.
  2. Increase website traffic by sharing blog content and other helpful website links.
  3. Expand communication with customers by answering service and support queries.
  4. Learn about your audience through conversations, metrics, and analytics.
  5. Manage your brand’s reputation by addressing negative feedback.
  6. Cultivate thought leadership in your industry by posting relevant, interesting commentary.
Which Social Media Platform is Best for My Business?

With so many social media marketing channels to choose from, it’s best to start with understanding your ideal customers and which platform(s) they use. Gather market data through metrics, analytics, interviews, or however you can and then choose the best platform(s) to invest your time and effort.

Here are a few of the best social networks and how to use them:

Facebook – as the most popular social media network, Facebook’s audience is vast and varied. Creating a business page allows you to publicly list your business with several business details, as well as granting you access to advertising tools and analytics. Post company updates, employee news and features, industry insights, product information, and more.

Twitter – use this network for sharing shorter updates, quick links, polls, images, and short videos. Lots of users come to this platform to seek out customer service and to share joys and pains of a product or company experience. Responding empathetically and positively can help to increase your brand’s reputation.

Instagram – as a very visual platform, Instagram is best for highlighting images and video. If your brand has strong visual components, this could be a good social media network for you. If not, you can probably skip this one.

LinkedIn – known as the leading social network for working professionals, LinkedIn can be a great place to market to other businesses, promote industry thought leadership, and find top talent.

YouTube – if you have a strong desire to share videos, especially educational content like ‘how-to’ videos, YouTube is the place to do just that. Most of this audience will be searching for help on a specific topic.

Tik Tok – as one of the latest social media networks to hit the scene, Tik Tok is still finding its user base and voice as a social media marketing platform but that’s not to say it doesn’t already have a large, dedicated audience. This platform is most popular with Gen Z (those born after 1997), and features very short, user-created videos.

Step Up Your Social Media Marketing Game

We’ve covered why social media marketing is good for business and which social media platforms are best for your business. Now it’s time to put this knowledge to good use. Create your social media marketing plan and start building a loyal audience of customers and fans. For more help with social media marketing, reach out to Big Rig Media today to get a dedicated team in your corner.

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