Facebook Advertising

If you are considering or are currently advertising on Facebook, keep in mind that the process is constantly evolving on the biggest social platform in the world. Below are some approaches gaining traction for advertisers on the site:

  • Customers love personalized subscriptions like Blue Apron, a meal-kit delivery service, and the Dollar Shave Club. Millennials, especially, like ordering these services on mobile devices, and are most likely to respond to these types of ads.
  • Conversations on Messenger are great for discussing customer service experiences since consumers carry phones everywhere they go. Addressing complaints and answering questions via Messenger is a growing source of Facebook advertising.
  • Partnering with influencers (especially YouTubers) to advertise can help your brand to stay relevant and competitive.
  • Video ads are growing in popularity. Wordstream states that 45% of users watch more than an hour of Facebook videos weekly, and 92% of those share them with other users.
  • Strive for transparency, honesty, and trustworthiness to attract customers to the authenticity of your enterprise.

Facebook Advertising Help

“Facebook recommends that brands add Messenger ads to their campaigns. Internal tests already show an eight percent increase in reach and seven percent decrease in cost.” – Hootsuite

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